Pet Policy
A welcoming and safe environment is paramount to all our residents. To help ensure all our residents understand our pet and animal-related policies (No Pet and Animal Policy / Pet Policy / Animal Policy) we require EVERYONE to complete a third-party screening and review process. This process ensures we have formalized pet and animal-related policy acknowledgments and more accurate records to create greater mutual accountability.
NOTICE TO ALL RESIDENTS & APPLICANTS: Everyone must complete the screening process. This is not only for pet and animal owners but also for residents and applicants that DO NOT own a pet or animal. This service can be found at:
Dogs which we will not accept in our rental units:
- Akitas
- All wolf breeds and hybrids
- Pit Bull
- Doberman Pinschers
- Bull Mastiffs
- Siberian Huskies
- German Shepherds
- Chows
- Staffordshire Terriers (Staffordshire)
- Rottweilers
- Alaskan Malamutes
Additional Information:
- Acceptable pets include a domesticated animal, such as a dog, cat, bird, rodent (including a rabbit), fish or turtle, that is traditionally kept in the home for pleasure. a common household pet does not include reptiles (except turtles). All pets must be able to be restrained by leash, carrier or cage.
- No more than a total of 3 cats and/or dogs may reside in one rental unit.
- All dogs and cats must wear identification tags that indicate the pet’s name, owner’s name, owner’s address and telephone number.
- All dogs and cats over the age of 6 months must be spayed or neutered, unless a veterinarian certifies that health problems prevent it. If the pet entering the housing is under 6 months old, the pet owner agrees to have it spayed/neutered (at approximately 6 months of age). A medical receipt from a veterinarian is required to prove the animal is spayed or neutered.
- Pets need to be inoculated in accordance with state and local law. All pets must receive proper veterinary care and must be up to date on rabies and distemper vaccinations, with a veterinarian’s statement to this effect provided to management. Such verification will also be required with annual registration update.
- All pets must be effectively and appropriately restrained and under the control of a responsible individual while on the common areas of the property. All pets must be on a leash or in a fenced area when outside.
- Tenants are responsible for keeping all areas where pets are housed clean, safe, and free of parasites, including fleas. Dog owners must immediately pick up and dispose of all dog waste deposited on the housing’s streets or grounds. a waste removal penalty per occurrence will be assessed for failure to comply with pet rules on waste removal.
- Owners of cats and other pets using litter boxes must: separate pet waste from litter daily or change litter box at least twice each week. Place soiled litter in tied, plastic bags and disposed of it in the garbage facilities.
- Pets shall be properly licensed in accordance with applicable state and city ordinances, with evidence of licensing provided to management annually.
- If deemed necessary by management, upon reasonable request, pets shall be temporarily removed from the housing for purposes to include, but not limited to, delivery of maintenance repair services, extermination services and preventative maintenance/housekeeping inspection.
- No pet is to be left unattended in a tenant’s unit for a period longer than that which is appropriate of the needs of the pet. In general, dogs should not be left unattended for more than 9 hours, and other pets for more than 24 hours, on a regular basis.
- Tenants are responsible for ensuring that their pets do not disturb or annoy other tenants or neighbors. Tenants whose pet(s) are determined by management to be disturbing others must remedy the situation immediately. A tenant who fails to remedy the situation after 3 warning(s) will receive a 30-day notice to remove the pet, except in the case of a serious problem, e.g. a vicious dog, whereby the length of time may be shortened in the interest of public safety. If the tenant fails to remove the pet, the tenant will be considered in breach of their lease agreement and may be required to vacate the premises.
- Tenants are responsible for damages or injuries caused by their pets.
- The tenant understands the tenant is responsible for the total amount of damage caused by the pet. This would include maintaining the yard, filling in any holes dug by pets, removing all pet waste on a regular basis.